• ۱۴۰۳ جمعه ۶ مهر
روزنامه در یک نگاه
روزنامه در یک نگاه دریافت همه صفحات
صفحه ویژه

30 شماره آخر

  • شماره 4074 -
  • ۱۳۹۷ پنج شنبه ۶ ارديبهشت

Reforming Iran,s image in theWorld by Cinema

Neda Al-e Tayeb



Reza Mirkarimi always wished to change Iran to the cinematic pole of the region; a wish that he had programmed for it for a long time. Now, three years of holding FIFF have been passed and he became closer and closer to his wish. Nobody thought FIFF be successful like that at the first days of the proposal of the separation of national section from the international one has been offered. Many of the opponents believed that while we had many limitations in our country, there is no chance for screening the works of world cinema; also, in the age of technology, world cinemagoers prefer to watch films immediately at their homes not waiting to watch them in a film festival. However, the festival holders informed that there are many films that are made in the world cinema that do not need to be cut. Moreover, one of the aims of holding the festival is paying attention to the cinematic works of neighbor countries until achievement of the goal for Iran to be the cinematic pole of the region. However, the festival has arrived to its third edition with companionship of its opponents and propones and certainly one of the most important things in the festival is its team that they are Iranian artists. The experience of holding the festival during last three years showed that when professional artists worked on something, the even could be successful in attracting art figures even politicians. In spite of all positive sides especially its successful workshops, its variety, and its healthy atmosphere, it has some weaknesses too like other art festivals; the most important ones are presence of low-quality works which reminds the sentence that it could be better if we didn’t spend on such films. In addition, international guests are still taking their flight fare and accommodation fees from the festival, while other film festivals around the world do not pay such expensive costs or provide such facilities for their guests. In spite of all these conditions, is a good opportunity for attracting international guests; those who mostly have incorrect image from Iran and if they supposed to travel to a country by themselves, it can be very weak possibility to choose Iran. In this case, it’s OK if we cost some expenses beside all the useless costs for changing the imaged picture from our lovely country.

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